Below are some resources to help you both finance your trip and ensure you're fully equipped for the journey.
Global trip costs vary based by location, but most trips stay within these ranges:
Central America – $1700-2000
South America – $1700-2200
Middle East – $2600-3200
Africa – $2700-3500
Asia – $2500-3300
Prices include airfare, lodging and training costs. You are responsible for your passport, shots, personal supplies, spending money and some meals. For personal spending money, $100-200 is typically plenty.
There are a couple of benefits to having a support team. The team serves as prayer warriors for your mission trip and assists you in the task of raising the funds needed to go. Please remember that this team is much more than a group of people who send you money – you will miss the biggest benefit of this team if your only objective is to pay for the mission. By forming a support team, you will be informing and engaging your supporters in the process of disciple-making that reaches to the ends of the earth.
When you send out a support letter, you are acting on behalf of nations in need of – and hungry for – training. Your letter informs others of this need and of God’s command to make disciples of all nations. Before you go on the trip and when you return home, you will have opportunities to share what God is doing globally. For a detailed guide to raising support and writing your letter please download the Support Raising Guidelines. You can also read this sample support letter.
Some people going on mission trips prefer to pay the for the entire trip themselves and do not send support letters at all. You can pay for the trip yourself, but we still encourage you to send letters to build a prayer support and encouragement team. If you decide to try and raise the majority of your trip cost through donations, we expect that you will make arrangements to pay at least a portion of the cost yourself. This allows you to have some buy-in for the trip and gives you a greater sense of ownership and responsibility for the trip and its cost.
There are a large number of Downline students who go on mission trips. We ask that you do not send support letters to others within your Downline class. Support letters are only to be sent to people who are not Downline students.
Supporters can donate by sending a check made out to Downline Ministries or online through our website. If supporters are donating on your behalf, make sure they give to the international fund and designate their gifts with your name and trip. Please note that if you apply for a trip and do not go for any reason, any donations made towards your trip cannot be refunded. Our non-profit status and the tax exempt nature of these donations prohibit it. To check your funding for a trip please email
Some students raise more money than needed for their trip. If that happens:
The money has to be used for an international trip since that is what it was given toward. It cannot be used for tuition or rent because funds donated for international missions are tax deductible whereas rent and tuition are not.
A request can be made to designate the extra money toward another student going on a trip. We do not promise that all the money requested will be put toward the designated person’s balance. We are always cautious with these extra funds as we know that several students are raising funds for trips and may need the extra.
No balance adjustments will be made until after the team has returned. Everyone going on trips has agreed to raise the amount of the trip. We want them in faith to continue to pursue this. If they do not raise the full amount and the trip comes in on budget, then it may be possible to move some or all of the total requested to the designated person’s account.
Since the designated transfer is not guaranteed, we recommend waiting until closer to the trip departure date to see where the person is in regards to raising funds. That being said, you can tell your friend that you have requested your extra money go toward their trip at any time. Please let them know that they should not 100% count on this money as it is dependent on whether the trip comes in on budget. The full amount credited toward them will not be known until after the trip.
If an individual begins to raise funds, but for any reason does not actually go on the trip then the funds remain in the Downline Global account. Downline does not give refunds. These funds can be utilized by the person who raised the support for a future international trip with Downline or any other gospel focused international trip or the funds can be designated for another person going on a trip as long as those who donated give consent. All requests and questions are to be sent to Steve Winstead.
Global mission trips require significant planning. Before you head out on your mission, please make sure you’ve made the following preparations.
Before going on a trip, you are required to attend the International Equipping Course, a three-session course that trains you for Downline Missions. The sessions are typically one hour classes a few times during the year. In addition to these three sessions, each team typically has one to four meetings that only include the team for a specific trip. Each team will also have training previews for those teaching Downline material.
If you are planning on going on a trip with Downline, you must attend one of each of the two sessions below.
Relational Aspect of Missions:
Friday, October 25 @ 6:30 AM in BEC Room
Tuesday, October 29 @ Noon in BEC Room
Readiness for Missions:
Tuesday, November 5 @ Noon in BEC Room
Friday, November 8 @ 6:30 AM in BEC Room
Please notify us if you are signed up for a trip, but will be unable to attend the training.
Each person on the team will be assigned differing tasks. Some of the roles that people are asked to fill are observer/learners, prayer support, video, testimony, small group work and teaching discipleship material. Those asked to teach will train and teach at a level that stretches them, yet matches their abilities and experience. All trainers are required to teach the material at least four times locally before hitting the field. A Downline-approved previewer must be present for one of your teachings.
Significant time is required to properly prepare for a trip. Please read the Teaching Preparation document for more information on preparing to teach.
You must have a passport to go on a global trip. Please allow at least eight weeks to get your passport (though they make take longer depending on the time of year). You may need to expedite your passport. If you are going to a country that requires a visa, you will need to have your passport in hand at least two months before departure. You can pick up a passport application at most post office locations or find new passport and renewal forms at the USPS website.
Packing light is encouraged – if you bring it, you’re responsible for carrying it. Before you start packing, see our list of recommended items.
Your luggage should be strong and durable, as it may get beaten up along the way. Also, check out the Transportation Security Administration website for a list of prohibited items and other security measures for travel.
We recommend that you:
Keep your passport on you at all times!
Have a durable name tag on the outside of your luggage.
Put all your valuables, medications, documents, and film in your carry on.
Pack one change of clothes, basic toiletries, etc. in your carry on in case of delayed luggage.
Two copies of your passport face page in case of a lost or stolen passport.
You may want to carry money and your a passport in a pouch or belt. Choose one that goes around your waist and under your pants. This can be obtained from a luggage/travel specialty shop or even a superstore (Note: You can get those that fasten around your neck, but they are not quite as secure.)
It is important to make sure you are up to date on all vaccinations you might need in order to travel.
Because the CDC vaccination recommendations depend upon variables like age, medical history and other risk factors, you should take the CDC’s online quiz and discuss the results with your physician. Make sure to inform your doctor of your travel plans.
The list of vaccinations you need is based on your destination and season of travel. The most current recommendations can be found on the CDC’s website. Typically, before going on a global trip, you should have a current tetanus shot and a hepatitis A shot. Other recommended vaccinations may include: hepatitis B, malaria, typhoid and yellow fever.
Doctors and hospitals are available in most every country. But it is still wise to be a medically informed traveler. Don’t take unnecessary risks with your health.
It’s important to stay hydrated on mission trips. However, it’s important to be very careful of the water you drink, and, if possible, keep a supply of bottled water on hand. When eating, remember that vegetables that have not been cleaned or have been rinsed in impure water can carry sickness. If you’re unsure whether or not something is safe to eat, it’s best to avoid it. Any fruits that you peel yourself are generally safe for consumption. Do not eat raw eggs, uncooked meat, or unprocessed cheese.
Be sure to remember to take any prescription medication you are taking with you and keep an extra supply in a separate location in case you misplace it. You must inform the team leader of any medications you are bringing with you, and any medical condition that requires (or could require) their attention.
It’s also a good idea to have copies of your prescriptions and the prescribing doctor’s phone number handy in case of emergency. While on your mission, be sensitive to your body’s signals. If you’re not feeling well, tell a leader. It won’t necessarily mean you have to sit out the rest of the trip, but it’s important to communicate in case there’s a real problem.